Rising Star Award Nomination Form

Please use this form to submit your nomination for the Rising Star Award. Note that the fields with a red asterisk are required. The first few fields ask for your contact information so we can reach you if we have a question. The other fields pertain to the person you want to nominate.

And remember, neither you nor your nominee are required to be members of the National Space Club Florida Committee. (And if you’re not a member, why not JOIN NOW!)

Nomination and Selection Guidelines

  • The nominee must be a Florida-based government, military, commercial, or government contractor employee.
  • The nominee must have made a significant “above & beyond” contribution to the U.S. space program during the past 1-2 years through either technical, educational, or leadership activities in Florida.
  • The nominee must still be early in their career (< 7 years), recognizing the award is targeted toward younger achievers.
  • Participation as a public advocate for the space program will reflect favorably on the nominee but is not required.
  • Any individual or organization may make a nomination. You do not have to be a member of the National Space Club Florida Committee to make a nomination or to be a nominee.
  • Florida residency is not required to receive the award, but the achievements being recognized must have impacted Florida’s space industry.
  • *Previously receiving an NSCFL Award does not automatically disqualify a candidate.
  • *The Rising Star Award Committee reserves the right to seek additional nominations.