Lifetime Achievement Award Nomination Form
Please use this form to submit your nomination for the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award. Note that the fields with a red asterisk are required. The first few fields ask for your contact information so we can reach you if we have a question. The other fields pertain to the person you want to nominate.
And remember, neither you nor your nominee are required to be members of the National Space Club Florida Committee.
(And if you’re not a member, why not JOIN NOW!)
Nomination and Selection Guidelines
- As a longtime Florida resident, the nominee must have made significant contributions to the space industry through technical achievement, education, or the management of aerospace related activities as a government, military, commercial or government contractor employee.
- The nominee is either currently employed in continuous service for a substantial period, or has been retired from an active working career for more than a year since the most recently conferred Lifetime Achievement Award.
- The nominee is either currently, or had previously been, an active public advocate for the space program.
- The nominee may not have previously received either a Lifetime Achievement Award or a Debus Award from the NSCFL.